Development Status

I’m using pycerberus currently (June 2019, version 0.6.99) in several projects and the basic API (based on “rich results”) seems to be fine. One problem is that I have a lot of code on top of the open source version which should probably be open sourced as well (e.g. dependencies for formvalidators).

The code is a bit simple, does not have many validators but is pretty solid. The API for single validators is basically complete, i18n support is built in and there is decent documentation covering all important aspects. You can check multiple values (e.g. a web form) easily using a validation Schema (“compound validator”).

In the future ‘ll try to increase the number of built-in validators for specific domains (e.g. localized numbers). Another interesting topic will be integration into different frameworks like TurboGears and trac.

However I have to say that I’m pretty satisfied with the current status so adding more features to pycerberus won’t be my #1 priority in the next months. The current API and functionality was well-suited even when validating input parameters of a SMTP server so I think most use cases should be actually covered.